Friday, April 07, 2006

How does a mother deal with it?

Erin's baby just died. I have no words to describe how I feel about the whole thing. Nova had pulmunary atresia and went through a open heart surgery. Unfortunately there were many many complications. The poor boy went through a lot and fought real hard. But God decides on these things doesnt he?

I just cried my heart out in the toilet thinking about Inarah. How does a mother deal with something like this? How is she expected to deal with something like this? How?

Be strong Erin. My prayers are with you.

Here's the link for those who want to see the little boy.


At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donch think there is any way .. to deal with this kinda lost.. Sha..!
It's is too heartbreaking..! I can only imagine.. what a mum has to go thru'. I've always told Papa BoK.. that if anything happens to Chloe.. i would be too devastated.. i donch know if i can carry on.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger geeth said...

It's unimaginable.. a mother will find it most difficult to handle such situations.

Things like this happen for the best... all we can do is pray.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Queen Of The House said...

Shamira, I hopped here from Mama22bea's blog. I am sorry to hear about your friend's baby. Losing a child is a mother's worse nightmare (I lost my 3-week-old baby 2+ years ago, and the pain never leaves).

Oh, I read your concerns about Inarah's future treatments. Just so you know, IJN has a fund that will support the treatments/surgeries. Sometimes the actual costs stray too far from the estimates, but they will not turn anyone away. My brother was told that he'll need about 15K for his daughter's treatment, but due to one complication after another, she needed one surgery after another and the cost went up to over 100K. But my brother paid 20K, and told the hospital that was all he could afford. The hospital's fund took care of the balance. So don't you worry ....
Take care.


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